Hybrid Drill Bit Technology Significantly Improves Build Up Rate Capabilities Of Multiple RSS Tools

With an objective to shorten directional intervals, operators place greater demand on higher build up rates. The section just before the pay zone involves the most intensive directional work, pushing rotary steerable systems to their capability limits. This paper focuses on a particular interval of hard and soft interbedded carbonates that provides a significant challenge for conventional Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC) bits to provide consistent build up rate and good borehole quality on rotary steerable systems. Throughout the paper we demonstrate the engineering process of designing a bit to increase build-up rate capabilities of rotary steerable systems and improving drilling efficiency through interbedded carbonate formations.The optimized hybrid bit and BHA combination eliminated drilling vibrations in intervals where extreme vibrations were witnessed with conventional PDC bits, significantly increasing drilling efficiency. Improved torsional stability reduced the load on the directional tools improving the ability to achieve the required doglegs. In softer shale where RSS with conventional PDCs had to control parameters while using maximum steer force to achieve target dog legs of 7°/100ft, the hybrid bit was able to achieve 10°/100ft while utilizing only 70% of the steer force. The hybrid technology proved to be successful with both push-the-bit and point-the-bit RSS systems.
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