Bacterial DNA patterns identified using paired-end Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes from whole blood samples of septic patients in the emergency room and intensive care unit

Background Sepsis refers to clinical presentations ranging from mild body dysfunction to multiple organ failure. These clinical symptoms result from a systemic inflammatory response to pathogenic or potentially pathogenic microorganisms present systemically in the bloodstream. Current clinical diagnostics rely on culture enrichment techniques to identify bloodstream infections. However, a positive result is obtained in a minority of cases thereby limiting our knowledge of sepsis microbiology. Previously, a method of saponin treatment of human whole blood combined with a comprehensive bacterial DNA extraction protocol was developed. The results indicated that viable bacteria could be recovered down to 10 CFU/ml using this method. Paired-end Illumina sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene also indicated that the bacterial DNA extraction method enabled recovery of bacterial DNA from spiked blood. This manuscript outlines the application of this method to whole blood samples collected from patients with the clinical presentation of sepsis.
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