Mud volcano field seaward of the Barbados Accretionary Complex: A submersible survey

We describe a 0.55 km2 semicircular mud pie and three adjacent diapiric mounds explored using the submersible Nautile near 13°50′N, 12 km seaward of the Barbados accretionary complex deformation front. This diapiric field had been previously explored with an acoustically navigated deep-towed side scan sonar, thus providing an accurate base map. The mud pie is situated at a depth of 4938 m. In addition to visual observations, water, rock, sediment, and biological sampling, we measured temperature gradients and made geochemical analyses of the samples. Fluid venting associated with chemosynthetic animal communities is widespread on all four structures but is maximal in the central third of the mud pie. The chemosynthetic life distribution on the mud pie displays a concentric zonation which we relate to an increase in venting activity toward the center, as evidenced by thermal gradients. Recent mud flows are present in the centralmost part of the mud pie. The simplest interpretation of the structure is that it is a mud lake covered by a mechanically resistant carbonate crust. We determine that approximately 106 m3 of fluid are advected upward through the crust of the mud lake every year. This large amount of fluid implies large-scale lateral transport.
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