Tropos y tropas: la retórica en la Primera parte de la Crónica del Perú de Pedro de Cieza de León (Tropes and troops: rhetoric in the first part of Pedro Cieza de Leon’s Chronicle of Peru)

Resumen: La Primera parte de la Cronica del Peru de Pedro Cieza de Leon es la primera cronica sobre la conquista espanola de America del Sur. Es, ademas, una obra fundamental sobre las culturas indigenas que los conquistadores conocieron en aquellos primeros dias de la colonia. Hasta ahora, la Cronica se ha estudiado mas como una obra historica, brindandoles poca atencion a los tropos y topicos retoricos que sorprendentemente la enriquecen. Este estudio no solamente identifica estos elementos, sino que traza tambien sus fuentes y examina su funcion embellecedora para asi captar la benevolencia de la Corona espanola y la imaginacion del publico europeo ya entusiasta, si no impaciente, por aprender mas sobre el Nuevo Mundo americano. Descriptores: Literatura hispanoamericana; Literatura de la Colonia; Literatura del siglo xvi; Cronica; Cieza de Leon, Pedro. Abstract: The First Part of the Chronicle of Peru by Pedro Cieza de Leon is the first chronicle about the Spanish conquest of South America. In addition, it is a fundamental work about the indigenous cultures that the conquerors encountered during the early years of colonization. Until now, the Chronicle has been studied more as an historical work with little detailed attention given to the rhetorical tropes and topics that surprisingly adorn it. This study not only identifies these elements but traces their sources and examines their embellishment function which aimed to capture the attention of the Spanish Crown and the imagination of a European culture already enthusiastic if not impatient to learn more about the American New World. Key words: Spanish Literature; Colonial Literature; Cieza de Leon; chronicle; 16th century; South America.
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