Antropologicko-genetická identifikace kosterních pozůstatků historických osobností

The human identity presents the basic question in historical anthropology. Nowadays, at our disposal we have lots of methods which help us determine the basic characteristics of known and unknown individuals. Generally, we can divide them into two groups. The anthropological methods belong to the first one. They enable us to determine the sex of the unknown find, to estimate the age, height and ethnicity, to evaluate the state of health and to create a facial reconstruction. The second group is formed by the methods based on the present knowledge and methods in the area of molecular biology. The analysis of DNA, the compilation of the profile using short tandem repetitions, or the classification of an individual into the haplogroup on the basis of mitochondrial DNA belong to this group as well. The optimal solution would be the connection of both ways, yet we rarely come across this solution nowadays.
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