Acoustic and postural displays in a miniature and transparent teleost fish, Danionella dracula

Individuals can reveal their relative competitive ability or mate quality through acoustic communication, varying signals in form and frequency to mediate adaptive interactions including competitive aggression. We report robust acoustic displays during aggressive interactions for a laboratory colony of Danionella dracula, a recently discovered miniature and transparent species of teleost fish closely related to zebrafish (Danio rerio). Males produce bursts of pulsatile, click-like sounds and a distinct postural display, extension of a hypertrophied lower jaw, during resident-intruder dyad interactions. Females lack a hypertrophied lower jaw and show no evidence of sound production or jaw extension under such conditions. Novel pairs of size-matched or mismatched males were combined in resident-intruder assays where sound production and jaw extension could be linked to individuals. Resident males produce significantly more sound pulses than intruders in both dyad contexts; larger males are consistently more sonic in size-mismatched pairs. For both conditions, males show a similar pattern of increased jaw extension that frequently coincided with acoustic displays during periods of heightened sonic activity. These studies firmly establish D. dracula as a sound-producing species that modulates both acoustic and postural displays during social interactions based on either residency or body size, thus providing a foundation for investigating the role of these displays in a new model clade for neurogenomic studies of aggression, courtship and other social interactions.
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