The Cardiac Troponin C Isoform and the Length Dependence of Ca2+Sensitivity of Tension in Myocardium

Abstract The Ca 2+ sensitivity of tension in cardiac muscle is length dependent, such that the sensitivity is diminished with decreasing sarcomere length below 2.4 μ m. This length dependence of Ca 2+ sensitivity of tension also forms the basis for the Frank–Starling mechanism in the heart. The fast-twitch skeletal muscle has a much lower length dependence of Ca 2+ sensitivity. In a recent study of skinned cardiotrabeculae, we indicated that the exchange of endogenous cardiac troponin C (TnC) for skeletal troponin C also resulted in a major reduction in the length dependence to the level of skeletal muscle. These findings suggested that cardiac troponin C has a key role in the length-sensing mechanism. The present investigation supports this conclusion and delineates the specific domain in cardiac TnC responsible for the length effect. Chimeras splicing either 41, 61, or 96 N-terminal cardiac amino acids with the remaining skeletal residues have indicated that while Ca 2+ binding in all three constructs is similar to that in wild type cardiac TnC, the functional responsiveness of the 96-cardiac residue construct is improved over the other two. This 96-cardiac residue construct yielded a tension response indistinguishable from that of wild-type cardiac TnC. A tryptophan variant of the chimera indicated fluorescence characteristics indistinguishable from cardiac troponin C. The findings provide further support for the idea that cardiac troponin C in situ is modified in response to sarcomere length change and thereby participates in the Frank–Starling mechanism. Moreover, the study indicates that the tropinin C length-sensing attribute originates within the N-terminal domain constituted by these 96 residues.
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