Inhomogeneous Kondo destruction by RKKY correlations

Abstract The competition between the indirect exchange interaction (IEC) of magnetic impurities in metals and the Kondo effect gives rise to a rich quantum phase diagram, the Doniach Diagram (Doniach, 1977). A Kondo screened phase is separated from a spin ordered phase when the local exchange coupling J and the concentration of magnetic moments n M are varied. In disordered metals, both the Kondo temperature and the IEC are widely distributed due to the scattering of the conduction electrons from the impurity potential. Therefore, it is a question of fundamental importance, how this Doniach diagram is modified by the disorder, and if one can still identify separate phases. Recently, Ref. Nejati and Ballmann (2017) investigated the effect of Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) correlations on the Kondo effect of two magnetic impurities, renormalizing the Kondo interaction based on the Bethe–Salpeter equation and performing the poor men’s renormalization group (RG) analysis with the RKKY-renormalized Kondo coupling. In the present study, we extend this theoretical framework, allowing for different Kondo temperatures of two RKKY-coupled magnetic impurities due to different local exchange couplings and density of states. As a result, we find that the smaller one of the two Kondo temperatures is suppressed more strongly by the RKKY interaction, thereby enhancing their initial inequality. In order to find out if this relevance of inequalities between Kondo temperatures modifies the distribution of the Kondo temperature in a system of a finite density of randomly distributed magnetic impurities, we present an extension of the RKKY coupled Kondo RG equations. We discuss the implication of these results for the interplay between Kondo coupling and RKKY interaction in disordered electron systems and the Doniach diagram in disordered electron systems.
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