I pannelli esplicativi nei musei scientifici: alcuni spunti di riflessione

Some considerations about explanatory panels in scientific museums. Explanatory panels are versatile and economic tools, so they are widely used in museums, especially in scientific museums. They guide visitors, indicate the way, support, interpret and contextualize collections. Panel isn’t only a whole of texts and images because complex connections tie its components (texts, images, drawings, schemes, plates). Explanatory panel is a field shared between museologist and visitor and has a complicated structure, so different professional would be necessary for a correct realization of the panel: graphic design er, linguist, pedagogist, photographer, psicologist. Panel, infact, must contain scientific concepts, but also must be attractive, exhaustive and understandable. Often, however, panels are realized from zoology, botany, paleontology experts. In this communication are exposed some indications for panels realization.
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