Здоровьеориентированная развивающая предметно-пространственная среда в дошкольной образовательной организации в контексте реформирования системы дошкольного образования

The article gives a definition of the «health-oriented developing subject-spatial environment». The article defines the specific requirements of the federal state educational standard of preschool education (item 3.3) and the construction of an environment using basic educational program of preschool education "Childhood". The two aspects of the designing health-oriented developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational organizations are analyzed: the content of educational interaction (the second section of the program), the organization (the third section of the program, the terms of its implementation). The variety of aspects of developing subject-spatial environment as a structure subject centers in each group and additional resources of pre-school educational institution museum, sensory room, swimming pool, library, speech therapy and psychological centers fully described in the article. The possibilities of using a sensory room for the implementation of health-oriented educational technologies are considered in the article. The health-oriented developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institution is implemented the same as the educational interaction of teacher and preschool child, fixed by the designing of educational and technological map of the day script. Availability of developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institution as a set of scientific and teaching materials, which are associated with an exemplary basic general education program of preschool education, which was chosen as a basis for teaching staff is proved in the article. The approximate content of health-oriented developing subject-spatial environment of literature, methodical recommendations, albums, calendar and thematic development plan, holidays, entertainment, etc. is presented in the article. The health-oriented developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational organizations for maximum realization of the educational potential space of Organization, the Group and the territory (region) for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age, protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction the shortcomings of their development.
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