Взаимосвязь некоторых особенностей физического развития и темпераментно-характерологических свойств личности как фактор риска возникновения психопатологии у подростков

It was examined the interaction of the individual temperamental-characterologic personality traits and several anthropometric indicators in adolescents. All of them were physical and mental healthy. It was estimated such characteristics as temperament (extraversion and neuroticism), the presence of accentuation nature and possible risks of psychological disadaptation, measures of physical development. It was found a weak inverse correlation between the level of physical development and neuroticism, as well as between body weight and neuroticism. This relationship is the strongest in boys and does not reach the level of significant differences in girls. At further research it is noted that the accentuation of character is more common in girls. The risks of formation of psychopathy and social disadaptation did not differ significantly in gender groups, reaching 27% and 48% respectively. Results obtained by the study can serve as a prerequisite for the creation of clusters of monitoring to identify adolescents at risk in connection with the peculiarities of formation of their temperamental-characterologic personality traits.
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