Effects of chronic variate stress on feeding behavior and on monoamine levels in different rat brain structures

Chronic variate stress was seen to decrease the ingestion of sweet food when compared to control rats. Brain monoamines are known to be involved in the control of food intake, serotonin appears to be involved in the mechanisms of satiety, and dopamine in mediating appetite or approach behaviors triggered by incentive stimuli associated with rewards. The effect of chronic variate stress on cerebral levels of monoamines was also studied in rats. Increased levels of DOPAC were observed in the frontal cortex and in the hippocampus and an increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio was also observed in this latter structure. In the hypothalamus, levels of HVA and DOPAC were decreased, as well as the DOPAC/DA ratio, while no difference was found in amygdala. During the treatment, there were no differences in the consumption of water and regular food between stressed and control animals. An increase in the adrenal weight was observed at the end of the treatment. The results suggest that emotional changes, such as exposure to stress situations can influence feeding behavior, chronic variate stress causes decreased ingestion of sweet food and decreased dopaminergic neurotransmission in hypothalamus. Increased dopamine metabolite levels in the cortex and hippocampus were also observed and some of these modifications may be related to alterations in feeding behavior.
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