Trueness and fitting accuracy of maxillary 3D printed complete dentures.

PURPOSE The trueness and fitting accuracy of complete dentures (CDs) manufactured digitally from wax dentures have not been investigated yet. This study evaluated the trueness and fitting accuracy of maxillary CDs man ufactured using computer-aided design technology. METHODS CD bases were manufactured from fully edentulous maxillary casts using a milling machine and three three-dimensional (3D) printers (two stereolithography apparatus (SLA) and one digital light processing (DLP)). 3D printing was performed using an SLA printer with eight build support angles (0° to 315°). As a control, a CD base was conventionally fabricated using a heat-polymerized PMMA resin. After the tissue surfaces of the casts and the cameo surfaces of all the CD bases were scanned, their STL data were superimposed with a best-fit alignment. The deviations of all the CD bases were evaluated using data-matching software. RESULTS The milled CD bases showed higher trueness and fitting accuracy compared with the 3D-printed and conventional bases. SLA showed a higher fitting accuracy than DLP. The best support angles for the fitting accuracy were 45° and 225°. The fitting accuracy of the SLA 3D-printed CD bases with an angle of 45° was comparable to or slightly higher than that of conventionally fabricated bases. CONCLUSIONS The milled CD bases showed an excellent fitting accuracy. The SLA-printed CDs demonstrated a clinically acceptable fitting accuracy.
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