Trust and Delay based Routing for VANETs.

Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is mainly aimed at providing safe and security related information and traffic management. In future, VANET contribute to smart transportation system. In routing, trust between the vehicles plays an important role to forward safety related information. This paper aims at design of trust based minimum delay routing for Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication under the VANET constraints like rapid change in topology, high dense network, link failures etc. The algorithm works as follows: 1) trust calculation: using the prior knowledge about the neighbors, determine trust between the source node and its neighbors, 2) route selection: select the node with higher trust value, 3) minimum message reachable time (MMRT) calculation: find the MMRT for all selected paths, and 4) route decision: select the path with high trust and minimum delay. The proposed scheme exhibits better packet delivery ratio and decreased end-to-end delay. The results show that our work is better and has only trusted vehicles participation in the routing with minimum delay.
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