Oxide layer delamination: An energy dissipation mechanism during high-velocity microparticle impacts

Abstract The break-up of microparticle surface oxides is needed to generate a clean metal-metal contact for metallurgical bonding during impact events such as seen in cold-spray. However, the mechanism by which this occurs is not clear. Using a laser-induced particle impact tester, we conduct site-specific experiment of single Cu microparticle impacts on a polished Cu substrate and characterize the impact sites. We observe that oxide layers on the particles begin to delaminate at velocities high enough to cause jetting of the substrate around the periphery of the impact site. We show that the energy cost of such delamination is ∼30% of the energy needed to slow and stop particle as it bonds to the substrate, with the remainder being associated with the jetting process and bonding itself. At higher velocities, the oxide barrier is broken up to permit metallurgical bonding. Closer to the particle south-pole where hoop strain is low, oxide layers break up with few gaps and thus no metallurgical bonding is observed. Away from the south-pole where larger strains develop, oxide breakup permits intermittent bonding by the extrusion of bare metal into the gaps between oxide islands. These observations provide new insights towards understanding impact-induced metallurgical bonding during cold-spray process.
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