Academic Life Satisfaction Scale (ALSS) and Its Effectiveness in Predicting Academic Success.

The study is undertaken to examine the effectiveness of a newly constructed psychometric instrument to assess Academic Life Satisfaction . Along with the components of Emotional Intelligence Academic Life Satisfaction Scale is used to predict the scholastic achievement as an index of Academic success. The investigators found that Academic Life Satisfaction is the best predictor of Achievement in social studies of secondary school pupils in Kerala. Life Satisfaction refers to a person's general happiness, freedom from tension, interest in life etc. According to Chadha (1983) the term Quality of Life (usually measured as satisfaction) indicates well-being. Moorjani and Geryani (2004) wrote, Quality of Life is an individual's satisfaction or happiness with life in domains he or she considers important. It is historically known as 'life satisfaction' or 'subjective well-being'. Academic Life Satisfaction is operationally defined as the expected satisfaction in one's life in school by the fulfillment of his/her important academic goals or aspirations. Most of the researchers agree that happiness is satisfaction. Happiness represents satisfaction with one's existence as a whole (Rushdal, 1967). John
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