Decay properties of long-lived isomers in the odd-odd N=81 nucleus {sup 146}Tb compared to the {sup 148}Ho and {sup 150}Tm nuclei

Excited states of the {sup 146}Tb nucleus have been studied using {gamma}-ray and electron spectroscopy in off-beam and in-beam modes following {sup 112}Sn({sup 40}Ar,3n3p) reaction with the use of the OSIRIS-II, HPGe detector array and the conversion electron spectrometer. The multipolarity of the 343 keV transition deexciting the (7{sup -}) level in {sup 146}Tb shows mainly an E2 nature and the first excited state above the 23 s isomer is assigned as a (5{sup -},6{sup -}) state. The log ft values have been deduced for 11 {beta}{sup +}/EC transitions populating excited states in {sup 146}Gd. The systematic behavior of spins and parities of the long-lived levels at 0+x keV and the first excited states above them in the N=81 isotones {sup 146}Tb, {sup 148}Ho, and {sup 150}Tm is discussed.
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