Temporomandibular Disorders and Its Management in Dentistry: A Review

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a collective term for a group of musculoskeletal conditions involvingpain and/or dysfunction in the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and associatedstructures. It is the most common type of non-odontogenic orofacial pain and patients can present with painaffecting the face/head, TMJ and/or teeth, limitations in jaw movement and sounds in the TMJ during jawmovements. Comorbid painful and non-painful conditions are also common among individuals with TMD.The diagnosis of TMD have significantly improved over time with the recent Diagnostic Criteria for TMD(DC/TMD) being reliable and valid for most common diagnoses, and an efficient way to communicate inmultidisciplinary settings. This classification covers 12 most common TMD, including painful (myalgia,arthralgia and headache attributed to TMD) as well as the non-painful (disc displacements, degenerativejoint disease and subluxation) TMD diagnoses. Recent studies have demonstrated that the pathophysiologyof common painful TMD is biopsychosocial and multifactorial, where no one factor is responsible for itsdevelopment.Importantly, research has suggested different predisposing, initiating and perpetuating factors, includingboth peripheral and central mechanisms. This is an active field of investigation and future studies will notonly seek to clarify specific causal pathways but translate this knowledge into mechanism-directed diagnosisand treatment. In accordance with this complex aetiology, current evidence supports primarily conservativemultidisciplinary treatment including self-management strategies, behavioural therapy, physical therapy andpharmacotherapy. The aim of this review is to present an overview of most recent developments in aetiology,pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of TMD.
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