Акмеологический подход как методологическое основание развития творческого потенциала педагогов в условиях реализации ФГОС общего образования

In article the questions connected with development of creative potential of pedagogical workers in the conditions of implementation of Federal state educational standards of the general education are considered. Development of creative potential becomes especially actual because FGOS of the general education define the main competences which have to be created at pedagogical workers for successful achievement being trained planned results of development of the main educational programs. The special attention in article is paid on that requirements from the state and society to continuous increase of a skill level and personal growth of teachers need to be carried out through development of their creative potential. The main idea to become is that one of the methodological bases of development of creative potential is akmeologichesky approach. In article it is emphasized that akmeologichesky laws and regularities reflect development of creative potential of the teachers underlying them personal and professional development and allowing successfully to realize FGOS of the general education
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