Behaviour of immune complexes and the complement system in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia.

: A quantitative study of the circulating immune complexes (IC) was carried out on women during normal pregnancy (286) and the post-partum period (20) and women with pre-eclampsia (30). Furthermore, the behaviour of the complement (C) system was followed. Results showed that IC were low in the first trimester of normal pregnancy (25.3%) and decreased in the following trimesters, whereas they were always present in pre-eclampsia. A very significant difference (p less than 0.0001) was seen when we compared the incidence of IC in normal pregnancy at the third trimester and the pre-eclamptic patients. The follow-up study of the IC, carried out on 4 pre-eclamptic women, showed an increase in the IC levels associated with the exacerbation of the pre-eclamptic picture and a decrease after delivery. The study of complement in normal pregnancy showed a decrease in C1-INH, C1s and C1q, whereas C3, C5, C9 and the properdin factor B increased during the following weeks of gestation; CH50 did not vary excepting during the 1st trimester. In the puerperium all values increased. There was no significant difference between the serum levels of the C components in the 3rd trimester of normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. High levels of C3d were observed in normal pregnancy at the 3rd trimester and in pre-eclampsia. The study of this split product of C3 showed that there is activation of the C system, but, since the synthesis of the C components is increased, activation could be masked. Alloantibodies and circulating IC could be the factors responsible for this activation in normal pregnancy and in pre-eclampsia, respectively.
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