Blood rheological abnormalities in the microcirculation during experimental traumatic shock

Abstract. Objective :Tofindwhethertheprincipalindicesofbloodrheologicaldisordersrelatedtothemicrocirculationundergodrastic changes during the traumatic shock. Methods :RBCaggregabilityanddeformability,aswellasthesystemichematocrit,were assessed in white laboratory rats withthe techniques that provided us withdirect and quantitative data. Results :Wefoundthat in the experimental animals the RBC aggregability was sharply increased, the RBC deformability significantly decreased,whilethesystemic hematocrit underwent considerable lowering during thetraumaticshock. Conclusion :Thebloodrheologicalproperties are significantly disordered during development of the traumatic shock.Keywords: Microcirculation, blood rheological disorders, experimental traumatic shock 1. Introduction Under conditions of rapid technical progress in the modern world the traumatic injuries remain to befrequent causes of development of the bodies critical states generally identified as shock, a state relatedto profound alterations of the circulation and other vital fuctions. Shocks are always associated withlowered blood pressure and this is related to a reduction of the circulating blood volume.Pronounced blood rheological disorders in the microcirculation during the traumatic shock in thehamsters cheek pouch [5], as well as of other types of shocks in the white laboratory rats [1] have beendescribed.The experimentsevidencedthatthe microcirculation undergoespronouncedchangesandthismightplayasignificantroleinitspathogenesis.Howevertheanalysisofthesechangeswasnotsufficientfor their better understanding.The aim of the present study was to analyse the hemorheological disorders in the microcirculationduring development of the experimental traumatic shock. To this end we used the modern laboratorytechniquesand the experienceaccumulatedduring perennialinvestigationof the hemorheologicaldisor-ders in the microcirculation during various human diseases.
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