Breast Preservation in Women With Giant Juvenile Fibroadenoma

Introduction Fibroadenomas are defined as benign breast lesions, usually formed during menarche (15-25 years of age), that can exist as a solitary mass or multiple masses in the breasts of women. In develpment, as lobular structures are added to the breast’s ductal system, yperplastic lobules are often present. Although lobules are associted with normal growth, analysis of the cellular components link yperplastic lesions to fibroadenomas. Fibroadenomas that measure 5 cm are commonly classified as giant fibroadenomas. When these nlarged masses are found in young female patients, they are often alled juvenile fibroadenomas. The lesions are rare, accounting for nly 0.5% of the total diagnosed fibroadenomas, and can grow to arge sizes and cause prominent asymmetry of the breasts. Other structural changes include both stretching of the areola complex and distortion of the dermal tissue. Clinicians are confronted with treatment decisions on whether to manage these rare cases by way of continued routine examinations or to surgically remove the fibroadenomas. Cosmesis and lactation preservation are the main concerns in this population because malignancy is rare in this age group. Malignancy is of lesser concern with giant fibroadenomas due to their more cellular and less lobular his-
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