Short-term effects of Saharan dust intrusions and biomass combustion on birth outcomes in Spain

Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze the short-term effects of atmospheric pollutant concentrations (PM10, NO2 and O3) and heat and cold waves on the number of pre-term births and cases of low birth weight related to Saharan dust advection and biomass combustion. The dependent variables used in this analysis were the total number of births, births with low weight (>2.500 g) and pre-term births ( The results obtained show that the days with Saharan dust intrusion or advections due to biomass combustion- beyond the impact of PM10, primary pollutants such as NO2 (in Saharan intrusions), heat waves and O3 - are associated with the number of births, low birth weight and pre-term birth. The RR and percent PAR of the pollutants and the heat waves are greater than those obtained for PM10. The results of this study indicate that days with natural particulate matter due to biomass combustion or advection of Saharan dust put pregnant women at risk.
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