[5-fluorouracil treatment of acute pancreatitis and of pancreatic and duodenal fistulae].

: In acute pancreatitis the mechanism involved in the auto-amplification of morbid phenomena can be suppressed in most of the cases by inhibiting the pancreatic secretion. This can also enhance the repair of pancreatic, duodenal and jejunal fistulae. On the basis of experimental studies carried out by Johnson, and on the clinical studies of Guttmann, as well as on original studies done by the authors, Ftorafur was included in the complex therapy of acute pancreatitis, and of pancreatic and duodenal fistulae. A group of 14 cases of acute pancreatitis, were treated. These included 5 necrotic-haemorrhagic pancreatitis, and 9 oedematous pancreatitis. The drug was given by continuous intravenous perfusion in doses of 1,200-1,600 mg per day, for a period of 6-12 days. In all the cases the clinical improvement of the patients as well as recovery of normal values of blood amylase were spectacular, and full recovery was achieved in all the cases. Ftorafur was also used in 3 cases of pancreatic fistulae, and in 2 cases of duodenal fistulae, and recovery was also achieved in a very short time. On the basis of this experience, although small, the authors recommend the introduction of Ftorafur in the complex therapy of acute pancreatitis, as well as in that of pancreatic and duodenal fistulae. Following administration of Ftorafur no adverse effects were noted, and in the doses mentioned above this drug did not delay the repair of surgical wounds.
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