Research on Online Impulsive Buying and Post-Purchase Dissonance

With the popularized of Internet and smart mobile devices, people nowadays can complete shopping process in seconds. Hence, consumers’ reliance toward online shopping is getting stronger. Yet, contrasting to the shopping experience in physical store, the chance of impulse buying and product return increases when consumers shops online. Subsequently, problems like post-purchase dissonance (e.g. emotion dissonance, product dissonance) arise as well. Therefore, in order to Figure out what causes impulse buying behavior and the relationship with cognitive dissonance, we adopt the concept from Powers and Jacks [1]. Also, despite of two shopping values as antecedents for impulse buying, we supplement time pressure from Tigli and Kaytaz Yigit [2] as well. Consequently, we attach return tendency, which are to explore the effect of post-purchase dissonance. In this study, we conduct a survey and receive 155 valid response in total, and the result shows that time pressure and emotion dissonance are the main factors influence impulse buying. To sum up. our findings may be useful for retailers attempting to operate websites in e-commerce.
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