Multiple co-localizations in arcuate GHRH-eGFP neurons in the mouse hypothalamus

Abstract In the present work, we took advantage of a recently described model of GHRH-enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) transgenic mice to evaluate the extent of co-localization of GHRH neurons with galanin (GAL), neurotensin (NT) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in 3- and 8-month-old male and female mice. The total number of GHRH-eGFP neurons along the rostro-caudal axis of the arcuate nucleus did not differ according to gender or age. GAL-immunoreactivity was present in 40–44% of 3-month-old GHRH-eGFP neurons in male and female arcuate nucleus, respectively, but only 25–22% in 8-month-old mice. TH immunoreactivity occurred in 36–35% of GHRH-eGFP neurons in male and female arcuate nucleus from 3-month-old mice and these proportions increased to 40 and 45% in 8-month-old mice. NT immunoreactivity was present in 14 and 24% of GHRH-eGFP neurons in male and female arcuate nucleus from 3-month-old mice up to 28 and 26% in 8-month-old mice. Thus, co-localization of peptides and enzyme in GHRH-eGFP neurons displays a sexual dimorphism at 3-month of age for NT, and at 8-month for TH, while the total number of GHRH-eGFP neurons does not exhibit gender difference at either age. In summary, it appears that changes in co-localized (and presumably co-released) peptides, rather than GHRH per se , may contribute to the changes in sexually dimorphic GH secretion with aging in the mouse.
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