Key Factors on Utilizing the Production System Design Phase for Increasing Operational Performance.

Production system lifecycle includes phases ranging from concept pre-study to ramp-up and operations. Manufacturing companies often face challenges to reach operational performance targets during ramp-up time and operation phase. The design phase is considered crucial as major decisions related to the future production system are taken during this phase. There is an opportunity to utilize the production system design phase to improve the operational performance during both the ramp-up and operation phase. This research aims to identify the critical factors of the design process that affect the performance in the ramp-up and operational phase. A case study was conducted in a pharmaceutical company where a completed project of launching a new production line for a new product was followed in retrospect. Data were collected by conducting interviews with different members involved in the project and the production team on the shop floor. By qualitative data analysis, critical factors affecting the project´s operational performance were identified; such as level of internal technical competency; involvement level of future line manager, operator and project sponsor within the project team; project team´s competency; pre-study of the business case; time pressure to complete the project; expertise of product and process; organization’s continuous improvement culture; and relationship with the supplier.
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