Avaliação ultra-sonométrica da consolidação de osteotomias mediodiafisárias transversas em diferentes períodos: estudo experimental em tíbias de carneiro

An experimental study on the ultrasonometric evaluation of the bone healing process of the tibia of sheep submitted to a transverse diaphyseal osteotomy for different periods was carried out using 15 sheep weighing 37 kg on average and divided in three groups of five according to the postoperative period of observation of 30, 45 and 60 days. The osteotomies were performed on the right tibiae while the left tibiae were left for control. Radiographic control was done at 2-week intervals and the animals were killed at the end of the period of observation for removal of the tibiae and ultrasonometric evaluation. Both diameter and ultrasound transverse propagation velocity were measured in two directions (perpendicular and parallel to the anterior tuberosity) at the osteotomy site and compared. The ultrasound propagation velocity increased with time (±5%), the differences between the experimental and control groups being significant, but not within the experimental groups. The diameters decreased in both directions, the differences between the experimental groups being significant, with a strong negative correlation with velocity. It was concluded that ultrasonometric evaluation of the bone healing process is feasible and the results are precise and reliable.
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