Geophysical exploration for gold and associated minerals, case study: Wadi El Beida area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt

The occurrences of gold and disseminated sulfides lie as a part of the shearing fault zone that extends from the north to the south of the study area for a length of about 25 km. The gold and disseminated sulfides are located on the alteration shear zone which is composed of quartz–feldspathic highly ferruginated rock (gossans) occupying the eastern and central parts of the area. Mineralogical analyses that were done on bedrock samples of the oxidized and alteration zones indicated that there are two anomalous spots of gold contents; the first one has values ranging from 5 to 49 g ton−1 and the second anomaly has values ranging from 150 to 502.5 g ton−1. Magnetic, self-potential, resistivity and induced polarization surveys were applied at Wadi El Beida area to delineate the mineral ore deposits in terms of depths and extensions through the structural shearing zone. The quantitative interpretation of magnetic data was carried out by using two techniques; the first is 3D magnetic inversion using Euler deconvolution and the second is magnetic models using the MAGMOD program. The results of the magnetic interpretation indicated that the depths of such ore deposits range from 35.9 to 52.7 m and the half width ranged from 27.2 to 87.8 m. The SP contour maps show negative anomalies with ranges from −70 to 20 mV. Most of these anomalies occupy the shear, silicified zones, alterations and rock contacts. The SP anomalies are correlated with other geophysical ones and also with the geological sources. Quantitative interpretation was done on the selected anomalies along the coded lines on the normal SP contour map. The quantitative interpretation of self-potential anomalies (SP) was carried out using two techniques; the first is a new algorithm constructed by Monteiro Santos (2009) using particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the second is the code constructed by Caglar (2000). The depths range from 20 to 60 m. The gradient resistivity survey was carried out simultaneously with IP measurements. The low-resistivity zones coincide with the altered and sheared acidic meta-volcanics. The quantitative interpretation technique determined the conductive bodies' parameters using the Schulz method (1985) where the depth to the top of the ore body ranged from 21 to 62 m while the maximum width ranged from 52 to 165 m. The induced polarization-chargeability data were measured in the time domain. The positive anomalies on the IP-chargeability map coincide with the sites of alterations, shears and contact zones. Four dipole–dipole sections were carried out along the anomalous sites selected from the constructed maps in the study area and were inverted using the RES2DINV program. The results of resistivity and IP inversions indicated that there are conductive and chargeable bodies at depths ranging from 15 to 65 m. According to the integrated geophysical results, two suggested borehole sites were selected before carrying out any future mining projects.
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