선천성 모세혈관 확장성 대리석양 피부 2예

Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC) is a rare congenital vascular disorder. The skin lesions associated with CMTC include persistent, reticulated vascular patches and telangiectasia, and they are sometimes associated with underlying atrophy and ulceration. The condition is present at birth and tends to improve with age, although some skin lesions remain unchanged throughout life. We encountered two patients with CMTC: a 12-day-old infant and a 21-year-old woman with a history of CMTC since birth. Both patients had localized reticulated purpuric patches with atrophy. During follow-up, although the purpuric patches improved in both patients, there were no changes in the skin atrophy in either patient. Herein, we present these cases showing the changes in the cutaneous features of CMTC over time and demonstrate that CMTC at birth may persist throughout life. (Korean J Dermatol 2017;55(9):602∼605)
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