Ю.С. Батищева, Т.Г. Каменских, И.О. Колбенев, Н.Р. Нугаева МУЛЬТИФОКАЛЬНАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОРЕТИНОГРАФИЯ В ОЦЕНКЕ БИОЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЙ АКТИВНОСТИ СЕТЧАТКИ ПРИ ДИАБЕТИЧЕСКОМ МАКУЛЯРНОМ ОТЕКЕ ГБОУ ВПО «Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В.И. Разумовского» Минздрава России, г. Саратов

The topography of the bioelectric activity of the retina in 66 patients (98 eyes) with diabetic macular edema using the method of multifocal electroretinography was studied. Almost all patients revealed a moderate decrease in the amplitude of P1-waves of the central response and a sharp decline in all the other rings. The exceptions were patients with prescription of diabetic macular edema (DME) up to 10 days, who showed an increase in the amplitude of the P1-waves in all rings. The dependence of changes of bioelectric activity of the retina from lifetime DME was revealed: the longer there is swelling, the more significant is the inhibition of P1waves. The increase of the amplitudes of the P1-waves in DME indicates the appearance of subsequently cystic component of macu
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