Postural control and neuromuscular responses in young Kung-Fu practitioners

Summary Objectives The purpose of the present study is to explore the characteristics of the postural control in Kung-Fu trained young boys, in comparison with non-trained age-matched ones. Material and methods Two groups of 11–13-year old boys (10 practicing Kung-Fu and 10 controls) were asked to maintain upright bipedal and unipedal stances on a force platform with eyes open and closed in a static and two dynamic postures. Postural control was assessed with centre of pressure excursions. Muscle response characteristics were recorded during maintaining a bipedal stance on an unstable platform with eyes open and closed. Results Kung-Fu practitioners had significantly (P  Conclusions Kung-Fu trained young boys seems to have better postural control in dynamic (unipedal-eyes open and bipedal-eyes closed) postures and better neuromuscular responses compared to non-trained ones.
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