Performance Tests After High Pressure Turbine Retrofit for Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1

The purpose of the performance test for Unit 1 of Maanshan nuclear power plant is to determine the electrical output and heat rate after the retrofit of the high pressure turbine in the latest refueling outage in 2012. The performance test was conducted in order to verify that the actual improvement in electrical output resulting from the replacement of the high pressure turbine meets the vendor’s guarantee. A total of two performance test runs was conducted in accordance with the ASME performance test code (PTC) 6. The measured electrical powers for the two test runs were 977.4 and 975.0 MWe, respectively, and the average value was 976.2 MWe. After correcting the electrical power to the rated conditions specified in the performance test procedure, the gross electric output was 983.2 MWe. The corrected heat rate for the two performance tests were 10365 and 10353 kJ/kW, respectively. The deviation between the two corrected heat rates was 0.11% and thereby satisfying the test code of 0.25% for the permitted test deviation. Moreover, the performance test results also demonstrated that the improvement in gross electrical output was 17.6 MWe comparing with the pre-retrofit performance test, which exceeded the 10.0 MWe basic performance guarantee by 7.6 MWe.© 2013 ASME
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