Полиморфизм генов цитокинов у детей с дыхательными расстройствами

We have done the evaluation of the role of cytokine genes TNF, LTA, IL1B, IL1RN polymorphic variants in the development of hereditary predisposition to respiratory failure in infants. 108 DNA samples of infants with respiratory disorders (respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and congenital pneumonia (CP)) and 104 healthy newborns DNA sample were used for genotyping by PCR and restriction analysis of polymorphic loci TNFα* -308G>A, LTA*+252A>G, IL1B*-511C>T, IL1B*+3953C>T, IL1RN*VNTR. Predisposition to the development of RDS marks haplotype IL1B*-511T-IL1B*3953Т-IL1RN*A2 (OR=17.13). Protective markers of RDS haplotype are IL1B*-511T-IL1B*+3953T-IL1RN*A1 (OR=0.068). Susceptibility to infectious complications of RDS marks *A1 allele (OR=3.38) and A1A1 genotype of minisatellite gene locus IL1RN (OR=3.53). Protective marker of RDS infectious complications are genotype AA of TNFα-308G>A polymorphism (OR=0.06), as well as TNFα*-308A-LTA*252A haplotype (OR=0.069), *A2 allele of IL1RN minisatellite locus (OR=0.37) and the IL1B*-511С-IL1B*3953T-IL1RN*А2 haplotype (OR=0.035). The polymorphic variants of cytokine genes TNFα, IL1B, IL1RN were found to be important components of multifactorial genetic structure of RDS and CP in newborns.
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