Структурный анализ продаж лекарственных препаратов, применяемых для терапии хронического гепатита С, на российском рынке

The World Health Organization reports that 3-4 mil. people are newly infected with hepatitis C virus per year, of which 70% will develop chronic HCV disease. Viral hepatitis is a significant burden on the state budget due to its prevalence among the working-age population. Increase of antiviral therapy coverage for patients diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C is one of the priorities of healthcare system. The paper presents the results of the analysis of trends in the sales pattern over 2016–2020. The objects of the study were State Register of Medicinal Products (as of February 24, 2020), clinical guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Russia on the pharmacotherapy of chronic hepatitis C, information database of the DSM Group analytical company. It has been established that the sales of drugs used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in the Russian pharmaceutical market tend to grow by 17.60% in value terms and 106.16% in physical terms during the period under consideration. At the same time, the composition of dasabuvir + ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavir (in value terms) and ritonavir (in physical terms) accounts for the greatest share among international non-proprietary names. It was revealed that the products of foreign manufacturers prevail in the sales pattern. Abbvie, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are the leaders among the companies – manufacturers of drugs for the therapy of chronic hepatitis C in terms of sales. It was found that 84.62% of drugs used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C are included into the VED list.
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