Process for preparing light building blocks of powdered coal ash for wall

The present invention is a method for producing a lightweight fly ash block wall materials, the basic material of cement, fly ash, the burnt lime, limestone, gypsum composition according to the ratio, aluminum powder was added, and add a certain fraction of water plus iron materials, fibers, air entraining agent, and finally add lightweight material. Which process fly ash, gypsum and lime burning grinding together with other base material and the ratio of iron formulated into the mixer, added material mixed with water is applied with a stirrer, then aluminum powder were added, lightweight aggregate stirring, pouring foam, static stop body, curing after cutting into an article. The present process is simple, cheap and abundant raw materials, low investment, low energy consumption, low cost, light weight product, high strength, various properties can meet the technical requirements GB / T11968-1997 autoclaved aerated concrete.
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