Carotid occlusion caused by seat belt trauma

Summary Surgical reconstruction should be considered in patients showing episodes of transient cerebral ischaemia or progressive neurological deterioration secondary to carotid arterial injuries proved by arteriography. Even complete thrombosis of the internal carotid artery may be managed successfully, if thrombectomy and intimal repair are undertaken within some hours after the onset of neurological symptoms. 14 , 20 Unger reported a mortality rate of 21% following carotid arterial trauma, 34% of the patients improved if they underwent surgical repair, whereas only 14% of the patients improved if they had ligation or were not treated surgically. 21 Statistical data have shown that both shock and coma are bad prognostic omens and patients presenting with these signs have less than a 50% chance leaving the hospital alive and well, even if they receive optimum emergency management. Although coma has been suggested as a contraindication to carotid repair, review of the literature has shown the data to be too limited to warrant such a conclusion. 7 , 16 , 22
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