Stuck in Neutral: Continued Challenges with Healthcare Disparities

With his deep ebony skin, six-foot-three-inch frame, baritone voice, and enormous hands, Mr. North is treated differently than are my white, middle-class patients. The echocardiography lab sent him home for having been 10 minutes late after he had had to stop every block to rest on that particularly windy day. The pharmacy refused to refill his insulin syringes without a written prescription even though hehadbeengettingthemthereforthepasttwoyears. When I send him to new consultants, I call ahead and tellthemhowsmartMr.Northis,howcompliantheis with every aspect of his treatment, and how much he knows about his condition and medications. I want them to see my patient, as I see him now, not as I saw him the first time we met. He needs that chance to get the medical care he requires and deserves. 1
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