ISTATISTIKSEL YAKLAŞIMLA TRAFIK KAZALARINDAKI OLUM VE YARALANMA DURUMLARININ KUSURLU UNSURLARLA ILIŞKILERININ INCELENMESI Ozet Zaman ilerledikce insanlarin ulasim alanindaki gereksinimleri artmaktadir. Bu gereksinimler yeni teknolojilerle birlikte farkli ulastirma alanlarinda yeni yatirimlari da dogurmustur. Tum bu farkli alanlarin yaninda karayolu tasimaciligi hâlâ tum dunyada popularitesini korumakta ve bununla birlikte karayollarinda seyreden arac sayilarinda da hizli bir artis gorulmektedir. Bu artisla birlikte trafik yogunlugu artmis ve trafikte guvenlik kavrami daha onemli hale gelmistir. Trafik guvenligini tehlikeye atan ya da baska bir deyisle trafik kazalarina sebep olan unsurlar farkli kaynaklarda farkli sekillerde siniflandirilmistir. Bu calismada, Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu (TUIK) tarafindan yapilan trafik kazalari ile ilgili arastirmalarda esas alinan bes kusurlu unsurun kaza sonucu meydana gelen olum ve yaralanma sayilari uzerinde etkileri incelenmistir.  Bu etkiler TUIK verilerine dayanilarak arastirilmis ve sonuclar farkli acilardan degerlendirilmistir. Kaza sonucu meydana gelen hem olu hem de yarali sayisi uzerinde bes unsurun bir arada etkisinin en fazla oldugu gozlemlenmistir. Bunun yaninda yaya kusurunun etkisi olum sayilari uzerinde ihmal edilebilecek duzeyde dusuktur. Arac kusurunun hem olum hem de yarali sayilari uzerinde dogrudan en etkili unsur olmasinin yaninda, ikinci etkili unsur degisim gostermektedir. Olum sayilarinda ikinci kusurlu neden yol kusuru, yarali sayilarinda ise surucu kusuru olmustur. Calismada olu sayisina etki eden unsurlarin incelendigi regresyon modelleri arasinda en yuksek belirleme katsayisi R 2 =0,640, yarali sayisina etki eden unsurlarin incelendigi regresyon modelleri arasinda da en yuksek belirleme katsayisi R 2 =0,736 degerleri elde edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Istatistik, Dogrusal Regresyon, Trafik Kazalari, Kusurlu Unsurlar INVESTIGATION OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEATH AND INJURY STATUS AND DEFECTIVE ELEMENTS IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS BY STATISTICAL APPROACH Abstract As time progresses, the needs of people in the field of transportation are increasing. These requirements, along with new technologies, have also led to new investments in different transport areas. Next to all these different fields the road transport still maintains its popularity on all over the world and it is seen a rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. With this increase, traffic density has increased and the concept of security in traffic has become more important. Elements that put traffic safety at risk or in other words cause traffic accidents are classified in different forms in different sources. In this study, the effects of five imperfect factors which is uses in the researches relating to traffic accidents conducted by Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI) on the number of deaths and injuries from the traffic accident were examined. These effects were investigated based on TSI data and the results were evaluated from different aspects. It was observed that the combination of the five factors on the number of both dead and injured from the traffic accident was the largest. Besides, the effect of pedestrian flaw on the number of deaths is low level enough to be neglected. Vehicle flaws are the most direct effect on both death and injured numbers; however, the second factor is changing. The second cause in death numbers is the road flaw, while in the injuries number is the driver fault. R 2 =0.640 and R 2 =0.736 have been obtained for best models among the regression models in which the elements affecting the number of deaths and injured were examined, respectively. Keywords: Statistics, Linear Regression, Traffic Accidents, Imperfect Factors
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