Seed storage behaviour of eight peatland pool specialists: Implications for restoration

Abstract Seed introduction is a current practice for the conservation and restoration of plant populations and communities. In many cases, however, seeds of target wild species must be collected from natural populations and then stored in proper conditions until re-introduction. Peatland pool margin specialists rarely recolonize their habitat once a peatland is restored following peat extraction and therefore must be actively reintroduced. However, little is known about the storage conditions promoting seed viability. In this context, we investigated the effects of four storage conditions on the seed viability of eight species collected from natural peatland pool margins of eastern Canada: 1) room temperature, dry conditions, 2) cold temperature, dry conditions, 3) cold temperature, moist conditions, and 4) cold temperature, submerged. Seeds stored for one year were periodically (3, 6, 12 months) tested for viability using 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. Seed viability decreased after storage for four of the eight species investigated ( Carex echinata , C. magellanica , C. oligosperma , and C. pauciflora ) and increased for Rhynchospora alba , but did not vary significantly following storage for C. limosa and Scheuchzeria palustris . Furthermore, the viability of Drosera intermedia and Rhynchospora alba seeds was higher when stored in dry conditions relative to moist or submerged conditions. Proper seed storage conditions are thus highly species-dependent. Direct sowing after collection should be preferred for most of the Carex species, while seeds of Scheuchzeria palustris , Drosera intermedia and Rhynchospora alba could be stored, preferably in dry conditions, without impacting introduction success due to reduced seed viability.
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