Molecular analysis reveals that lack of chasmothecia formation in Erysiphe necator in Maharashtra, India is due to presence of only MAT1-2 mating type idiomorph

In this study 32 grapevine accessions from Israel were phenotyped according to O.I.V descriptors and phyllometry, furthermore genotyped with seven microsatellite loci for the first time for further clarification of their potential biodiversity and phylogenetic grapevine analysis. The results according to the SSR microsatellites suggest that the majority of the studied Israeli grapevine accessions, compared to the international reference varieties, show considerably different genotypes - nine accessions showed a unique (individual) genotype, further three accessions represented a first group, four accessions represent a second group and eight groups contained two different accessions. The significant differences among the studied grapevine accessions were observed also in most of the 17 phyllometric measurements of significant leaf characteristics, especially in the leaf area, vein length (L1, L2, L3 and L4), depth of lateral sinuses (OS, OI), petiol length (Lp) and vein angles (β, β’). The observed grapevine characteristics according to the O.I.V. descriptors suggested that more than three-quarters of the studied accessions showed characteristics of table grapes.
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