Sığırcılık İşletmelerinde Kooperatif Üyeliğini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi: TRA Bölgesi Örneği/Analysis of The Factors Affecting The Cooperative Membership of The Cattle Enterprises: The Case of TRA Region
Oz: Calismada sigircilik isletmelerinde kooperatif uyeligini etkileyen faktorler tespit edilmeye calisilmistir. Ureticilerin girdi temini, kaliteli ve uygun sartlarda uretim yapabilmeleri ve urunlerini pazarlamalari konusunda karsilastiklari sorunlari orgutlenerek daha kolay atlatabilecekleri aciktir. Ayrica ureticilerin bazi destek ve tesviklerden yararlanabilmesi icin on sart olarak ilgili kooperatiflere uyeligin bulunmasi gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda tarim sektoru icinde hayvanciligin on planda oldugu TRA Bolgesi arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Calismada, sigir eti uretimi yapan ureticilerle yuz yuze yapilan 257 adet anket verileri esas alinarak ureticilerin kooperatiflere uyeliginde etkili olan faktorlerin belirlenmesinde probit analizi yontemi kullanilmistir. Sonuc itibariyle, ureticilerin kooperatife uye olmasinda ureticinin yasi, tecrubesi, hayvancilik disinda elde ettigi gelir, sahip oldugu hayvan sayisi ve almis oldugu destek miktarinin onemli oranda etkili oldugu belirlenmistir. Bu faktorler goz onune alinarak, profesyonel ve karli bir hayvancilik icin kooperatiflerin sayisinin ve islerliginin artirilmasinin gerekli oldugu gercegi bir kez daha vurgulanmaktadir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sigir ureticisi, kooperatif, TRA bolgesi Trabzon Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyse the factors affecting the cooperative membership of the producers producing beef. It is obvious that the producers can solve the problems, which they confront in input procurement, production under suitable and qualified conditions, and marketing of their products, more easily by being organized. Additionally, it is required for producers to be the members of the cooperatives as a prerequisite for the purpose of benefiting some promotions and supports. In this context, TRA Region in which animal breeding is in the foreground within the agricultural sector was included within the scope of this study. In this study, based on the data of 257 questionnaires made by face-to-face technique, probit analysis method was used to determine the factors which are effective on membership of the producers in the cooperatives. Consequently, it is determined that age of the producers, their experiences in animal husbandry, their income from sources other than the animal husbandry, number of their own animals and quantity of the support to be provided are significantly effective on membership of the producers in the cooperatives. By considering these factors, it is again emphasized the fact that it is necessary to increase the numbers and functionalities of the cooperatives which play an important role in producers' being engaged in a profitable activity. Keywords: Cattle producer, cooperative, TRA regionTrabzon
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