Thin layer chromatographic analysis of semecarpus anacardium

Nuts of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. are commonly known as marking nut or Bhilawan. The fleshy orange cup or hypo carp of this plant is eaten when quite ripe but is slightly astringent. The pericarp however contains acrid, bitter, highly astringent juice. It is brown and oily when fresh, turning black on exposure to the air, and is universally used all over India as a marking ink. Criminals in varieties of ill acts; e.g.- for producing ophthalmic and skin lesions and imitating bruises in support of a false charge have used this corrosive juice. It is also used for procuring criminal abortion. In the present study marking nut juice was analyzed using thin layer chromatography. A suitable solvent system and spray reagent is recommended for the separation and identification of mono hydroxy o-di hydroxy phenolic constituents. Method found to be rapid for routine laboratory analysis.
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