Elección de una especialidad Médica-Quirùrgica: factores que intervienen

In this article, we try to analyses the possible existence of a personality profile differentiated for the Medical students who feel attracted by a Medical Speciality front to Surgical Speciality. Material and method: It has been analysed 1.484 students of 2 nd year of Medicine in the Valencia University (Spain). They have responded an anonymous interview about their characteristic sociodemographics and their vocational interests. We determinate their personality profile with the 16 P.F. of Cattell. The data got has been analysed with a technique of regression logistic. Results: The majority of the analysed population were female (62,7%) with a medium age of 20 years. The medical specialities were preferred by the 38,44% of the students and the Surgical Specialities by the 39,05%. The students who chose a medical speciality trend to be more tender-minded, sensitive... (I+), trusting (L-) and shrewd, astute, calculating... (N+) and who preferred a surgical speciality more impulsive, happy-go-lucky, enthusiastic… (F+) and strong minded, self-reliant… (I-). Conclusions: The results of our work seem confirm the existence of different traits of personality in the students who preferred a Medical Speciality front a Surgical Speciality.
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