Analysis of human chromosome 11 by somatic cell genetics: Reexamination of derivatives of human-hamster cell line J1

Through the fusion of a CHO cell population to a human cell population, a hybrid cell line which has lost all human chromosomes except chromosome 11 was derived. This cell line, J1, does not appear to segregate human chromosome 11 during growth. A series of deletion segregants were isolated from J1 which had lost a portion of either the long, short, or both arms of chromosome 11. This panel of deletion segregants was used for mapping a number of genetic markers on the short arm of chromosome 11. Karyotypic analysis led to the interpretation that derivatives of J1 selected for the loss of cell surface antigens encoded by genes on the short arm of the chromosome had simple terminal deletions of this chromosome arm. More recently, we have applied recombinant DNA and in situ hybridization techniques to the analysis of the structure of chromosome 11. In the course of this analysis, we have obtained data that indicate that all J1 deletion segregants retain a small chromosomal segment containing the structural genes for insulin and HRAS1. Analysis of in situ hybridization data indicates that in cell lines in which a chromosome 11 fragment cannot be identified by karyotype analysis, human DNA has been translocated to a Chinese Hamster chromosome. These results suggest that the original interpretation of the karyotypes of deletion segregants derived from J1 as simple terminal deletions is not correct. A reanalysis of gene localization studies based on these deletion segregants suggests that some assignments of genes to specific bands on chromosome 11 should be reconsidered. In particular, data on additional deletion segregants are consistent with localization of the Β-globin gene complex to band 11p15. The data presented here suggest that in several hybrid derivatives of J1, a continuous DNA segment of approximately 107base pairs in length which includes the insulin and HRAS1 (cellular homolog of retroviral oncogene Harvey ras) genes has been isolated from the remainder of the human genome. We propose that the stability of chromosome 11 in the original hybrid was due to complementation of a genetic defect in the original CHO cell parent by a gene located in close physical proximity to the insulin and HRAS1 genes on chromosome 11. Data are presented which test and support this hypothesis.
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