Lack of toxicity of hydroethanolic extract from Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) O. Kuntze by gavage in the rat.

Abstract In traditional medicine in Mali, extracts derived from Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) O. Kuntze (Family: Rubiaceae) are commonly used to treat malaria. The antimalarial activity and the lack of genotoxicity in vitro and in vivo have been demonstrated in previous studies. Acute and chronic evaluation of the toxicity of the hydroethanolic extract of Mitragyna inermis leaves was performed in this study, according to the recommendations (cahier de l’Agence no. 3) of the French Drug Office. Two dosages (300 mg/kg and 3 g/kg) were given in one single administration by gavage to male and female rats. No animal died and no behavioral signs of acute toxicity were observed. Chronic toxicity studies over 28 days showed no changes in body weight and no macroscopic abnormality in the 14 organs examined after the animals were sacrificed. With the 3 g/kg/d drug dosage (100-fold higher than those proposed in man), only slight histological abnormalities were observed. Statistically significant differences, compared to control animals, in the weight of some organs and the values of some haematological or biochemical parameters were observed. However, these values always remained in the range given by the breeder for naive animals of the same strain. These investigations thus seemed to indicate the safety of repeated oral administration (up to 3 g/kg/d) of the hydroethanolic extract of Mitragyna inermis leaves, which can therefore be continuously used with safety by the African population in traditional treatment of malaria.
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