Emergency Health Care Information System for Bucharest-Romania.

: The Emergency Health Care Information System (EHCIS) in Bucharest provides information about the whole activity of Dispatch Emergency Ambulance Service and Emergency Receiving Room of the 7 Hospitals, providing emergency health care in Bucharest over a MAN (Metropolitan Area Network). In each of these places a local network is located, containing a database server ORACLE. The link among LANs is made via switched lines. The Hospitals collect information only about emergency cases. The microstation represents station for emergency teams of Emergency Ambulance Service of Bucharest (EASB), distributed in all 6 districts of Bucharest. The system is structured accordingly with the working-groups existing in Dispatch, microstations and hospitals: registration operators (phone-operators) for administer the emergency requests/calls; a location for the medical coordinator which must to choose, in few seconds, the emergency team, accordingly with the case emergency degree; radio-operators which communicate with the teams in the field; a location for the manager of Dispatch, in order to provide a full-set of real-time medical and resources information; a registration operator at each microstation; a registration operator at each hospital. The data are registered in the ORACLE database on the central server. The client/server architecture assures the real time communication among all these locations. The system works 7 days/week, 24 hours/day.
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