High performance gigabit Ethernet switches for DAQ systems

Commercially available high performance gigabit Ethernet (GbE) switches are optimized mostly for Internet and standard LAN application traffic. DAQ systems on the other hand usually make use of very specific traffic patterns, with e.g. deterministic arrival times. Industry's accepted loss-less limit of 99.999% may be still unacceptably high for DAQ purposes, as e.g. in the case of the LHCb readout system. In addition, even switches passing this criteria under random traffic can show significantly higher loss rates if subject to our traffic pattern, mainly due to buffer memory limitations. We have evaluated the performance of several switches, ranging from "pizza-box" devices with 24 or 48 ports up to chassis based core switches in a testbed capable to emulate realistic traffic patterns as expected in the readout system of our experiment. The results obtained in our tests have been used to refine and parametrize our packet level simulation of the complete LHCb readout network. In this paper we report on the results of our tests, and present the outcome of the simulation using realistic switch models
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