Formation of ion tracks in amorphous silicon nitride films with MeV C60 ions

Abstract Amorphous silicon nitride (a-SiN) films (thickness 5–100 nm) were irradiated with 0.12–5 MeV C 60 , 100 MeV Xe, 200 MeV Kr, and 200 and 420 MeV Au ions. Ion tracks were clearly observed using high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) except for 100 MeV Xe and 200 MeV Kr. The observed HAADF-STEM images showed that the ion tracks consist of a low density core (0.5–2 nm in radius) and a high density shell (several nm in radius). The observed core and shell radii are not simply correlated with the electronic energy loss indicating that the nuclear energy loss plays an important role in the both core and shell formations. The observed track radii were well reproduced by the unified thermal spike model with two thresholds for shell and core formations.
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