Exposure history of the Mocs (L 6) chondrite: A study of strewn field samples

— We measured cosmogenic radionuclides (10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl) and noble gases (He, Ne, and Ar) in 10 specimens of the Mocs L6 chondrite to determine the exposure history and preatmospheric relationship among fragments from known locations in the strewn field. Cosmogenic noble gas contents alone are consistent with a simple irradiation exposure of 15.2 Ma. However, Mocs has very low 22Ne/21Ne ratios indicative of deep burial in a large meteoroid, but radionuclide levels at saturation values typical for much smaller meteoroids: this paradox suggests a possible complex exposure. For the latter case, we propose a two-stage exposure history in which Mocs initially was deeply buried in a large object for 110 Ma, followed by exposure in a 65 cm object for 10.5 Ma. Relative shielding was inferred from the measured 22Ne/21Ne ratios assuming constant 22Ne/21Ne production for all samples during the first stage. These shielding levels, which are supported by estimates based on 36Cl production by neutron capture, indicate a possible relationship between depth of samples in the Mocs meteoroid and fall location in the strewn field.
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